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Texas: Anti-Semitic Attack on Dozens of Cars, Homes in San Antonio

R.E.A.L. has learned that on August 13, 2015, there was a vandalism attack on over 30 cars and homes with Anti-Semitic messages, Nazi swastikas, and “KKK” painted by the vandals. The hate extremist attacked cars near Jewish synagogue in San Antonio.

mySanAntonio reports: “A Jewish community on the North Side woke to widespread anti-Semitic vandalism Wednesday morning that included spray-painted swastikas, “KKK” lettering and other hateful slurs. “(We are) saddened and outraged,” said Howard Feinberg, a board member of the Rodfei Sholom Congregation, located near Northwest Military Drive and Huebner Road. “When we were finishing our morning prayers around 7 a.m., we became aware that in the neighborhood around our synagogue, there was a lot of graffiti of the anti-Semitic and racial nature.” More than 30 cars and homes were tagged with hateful graffiti sometime overnight, according to the San Antonio Police Department. An anti-Semitic crime has not been reported in San Antonio in the past two years, according to the Anti-Defamation League, a national group that tracks such incidents.”