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Thailand: Additional Arrests of Pakistan Christian Asylum Seekers

R.E.A.L. is now reporting on additional efforts by the Thailand government of Pakistan Christian refugees seeking asylum in Bangkok.  We learned of additional arrests during the week of September 10.  We reported on the first set of arrests, but in the interests of safety of the asylum seekers did not provide additional details to the public on further sets of arrests after that.

It is a challenge to determine how much information to share with the public in the interest of making people aware of the human rights issues, versus information which might jeopardize the safety of other Pakistan Christian asylum seekers.  For this posting, we will simply state there were other arrests after the most recent round of arrests on September 10.  We will continue to assess how much and what level of detail to release on a case-by-case basis.

As we stated in our September 10, 2015 posting, we urge those concerned about human rights to contact the Thailand and U.N. authorities that we have previously contacted and continue to contact.
