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Denver: “Racist letter prompts fear, anger at Johnson & Wales University”

KVDR reports “Racist letter prompts fear, anger at Johnson & Wales University”:
— “Black students at Johnson & Wales University met with school administrators Thursday after a racist letter was slipped under the door of a black student’s dorm room door. It has students upset, afraid, and confused about the school’s response.”
— “The university offered to buy one student a bus ticket home if she felt unsafe on campus.”
— “The letter was shoved under the student’s dorm room door while she was at class. It was filled with several uses of the N-word, among other expletives, telling Black students to leave the campus.”
— ” ‘We can’t believe that in 2010 there are people still out there who think this way,’ said Candyze Harris. ‘I am afraid for my safety now when I am alone on campus, and I never felt this way during my first year on campus.’ “