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Khilafah “Justice” on Gays is Murder

Khilafah's Form of "Justice" for Gays - Hunting and Down and Publicly Murdering Gays by Stoning, Throwing Them Off Buildings (Center ISIS Khilafah Police Vehicle)

In another of attack on universal human rights, life, and dignity, news of the Khilafah-seeking ISIS terror group shows the terrorists committing more killings of gays.   The ISIS authoritarian group has established its own religious Hisbah “police force.”  In lands where ISIS occupying powers have taken control, reports state the ISIS group has been using “undercover operatives” to lure gays out, and then beating them to death by stoning or throwing them off of buildings in  public executions.

Khilafah's Form of "Justice" for Gays - Hunting and Down and Publicly Murdering Gays by Stoning, Throwing Them Off Buildings (Center ISIS Khilafah Police Vehicle)

Khilafah’s Form of “Justice” for Gays – Hunting and Down and Publicly Murdering Gays by Stoning, Throwing Them Off Buildings (Center ISIS Khilafah Police Vehicle)

The Khilafah ISIS Hisbah religious police use undercover “flirt squads” to try to seduce and entrap gays for public execution. In addition, the Khilafah’s Hisbah also frame people as gay, to rationalize such public murders.

We call for the world public to show OUTRAGE for the public and atrocious murders of gays by these authoritarians. Their contemptible human rights violations deserve the world’s condemnation.

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L) supports the universal human rights, life, and human dignity of all of our brothers and sisters in humanity. We reject the authoritarian tactics of hunting and murdering people for their sexual orientation, or for any of their identity group characteristics, as a fundamental attack on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and a fundamental attack on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

These monstrous public spectacles to use authoritarian measures to deny human rights to anyone because of the identity group are an attack on our universal human rights – by ANYONE who denies these human rights.

Rejecting these horrific human rights violations is not an attack on Islam, but is a call for ending these crimes against humanity by the Khilafah group ISIS.

“An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The words by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. resonate as a fundamental basis for our shared human rights.

As previously reported by R.E.A.L, the fascist tactics by the anti-freedom group which seeks the establishment of a dictatorial Khilafah demonstrate their complete and total contempt for the equality and liberty which are our shared fundamental human rights.

We urge the friends of freedom to continue to challenge authoritarians and authoritarian murderers who are at WAR with our shared universal human rights. Together, we must be united to be Responsible for Equality And Liberty.