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Why We Must Not Let Extremists Hold Identity Groups Hostage

While we must challenge and defy extremist groups, we must also not let them hold our identity groups hostage with their hate and violence.

In America:

— Number of White Americans: 196,817,552
How many white supremacist terrorists do we actually face?
A very small percentage of this.
The importance is that majority which respects human rights, security, and dignity must be willing to challenge the small minority of extremists.

— Number of Muslim Americans: 2,770,000
How many extremists terrorists claiming to represent a type of “radical Islam” do we actually face?
Again, a very small percentage of this.
The importance is that majority which respects human rights, security, and dignity must be willing to challenge the small minority of extremists.

While these are 2010 demographic figures, the precise demographic number is not the point.

Furthermore, I use these two identity groups as examples. One can pick any identity groups and come to the same results.

The point remains that we succeed in challenging anti-human rights extremism, when the majority asserts their will and undertakes the responsibility to identity and stop the actions of that percentage of extremists who seek to spread hatred and violence.

But we need to be consistent on this. Consistency in challenging anti-human rights extremists, especially those that promote violence, is necessary for all groups.

When we decide it is too much work, that is when terrorists succeed.

Their “secret plans” are never as secret as they think.

We see something. We need to be willing to challenge those who promote violence against our fellow human beings.

We need to be consistently and annoyingly Responsible for Equality And Liberty.
