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Libya: ISIS Murder of 21 Coptic Christians

21 Coptic Christians Murdered in Libya by Global Terrorist Organization, ISIS

The Coptic Christian church has confirmed the murder of 21 Coptic Christians by the global terrorist organization ISIS in Libya.

Our human rights, dignity, and security must be for ALL of our fellow human beings of all identity groups. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) condemns this gruesome and outrageous attack by ISIS in Libya, which was clearly documented as a deliberate hate crime attack on Christians. There is a long and grim history of abuse, murder, and intolerance against Coptic Christians, which people of conscience must reject without qualification.

The global terrorist group ISIS paraded the Christians in orange jumpsuits and cut their throat on the beach.

21 Coptic Christians Murdered in Libya by Global Terrorist Organization, ISIS

Global Terrorist Organization ISIS Justifies Hate Crime Murders as Attacking "Nation of the Cross"

The actions of ISIS terrorist group in wanton and gruesome murder of 21 Christians must be rejected by all people of all identity groups, all religions, all ethnic groups, and all people of conscience. Their murder was an attack on all of us. When someone attacks the shared universal human rights, security, and dignity of one of us, it is an attack on all of us. There is never any rationale, religion, or ideology which justifies such attacks on and murders of our fellow human beings. We must reject any such extremist views as wrong – all the time.