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“Egypt is Free!”

With the resignation of the dictator Mubarak in Egypt, people in the streets are chanting “Egypt is Free!”

We are all responsible for equality and liberty – over the past weeks, the Egyptian people have also proved that they too are willing to be responsible for equality and liberty in their nation as well!

To all those who gave of their lives, and to those who gave their lives as martyrs, it was their sacrifice, their sense of responsibility to their society, that resulted in the dictator Mubarak to stand down today!

The path ahead for Egypt is uncertain for sure, as the military supreme council assumes what some state will be temporary power.  But the people of Egypt have spoken and demanded by the many thousands, perhaps millions in the street, that they will struggle for freedom for all.

Let us join the people of Egypt in rejoicing today, and seeking our shared efforts in pursuing the Undiscovered Country of equality and liberty – for all people – everywhere – with our Universal Human Rights!

Egyptian People Protest for Freedom