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R.E.A.L.’s New Web Page:

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) will be moving soon to a new web site:

It will initially be a simple static page where we will have links to other diversified tools on the Internet, to make it much more difficult for those who seek to silence us.

Our web page here,, that has been our home since February 2009.  Individuals have repeatedly tried to hack and shut down our web site hosted here, and we have been migrating over to another web site, a new hosting provider, and different WordPress blog, as some of our readers already have seen from our Facebook, Twitter, and other postings.

We have attempted to withstand attacks by those against our universal human rights.  Regardless of whether issues here get resolved, we will stop using this web page as our main point of contact due to individuals that have managed to disable it in August.  I will be sharing more specific information on this with the public in the near future.

But to those who seek to silence the voice of our universal human rights, you should know that you will not succeed.

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) will be even more nimble and more diversified in our web tools in the future.

While much of America faces a darkest night on our shared human rights today, R.E.A.L. remains confident that together we can work towards a brighter day.

We are not discouraged.  We remain Responsible for Equality And Liberty.  It always a good day to be responsible for equality and liberty.

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)