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Indonesia: Mob of 40 Disrupt Catholic Mass Service

UCAN reports on the disruption of a Catholic Mass service in Indonesia on July 1 that had to be abandoned after a mob objected to their religious practices and worship services.

UCAN reports: “Muslims break up Indonesian Mass “

“Up to 40 Muslims broke into the home of a Catholic family and forced a thanksgiving Mass in Indonesia on July 1 to be abandoned.”

“‘I invited dozens of Catholics to the Mass to thank God for the house I’ve just bought and to celebrate my third child’s 17th birthday,’ said Servulus Sihotang, a parishioner of St Paul’s Church in Depok, West Java.”

“‘But the Muslims suddenly forced their way in and made us stop.'”

“He said he had bought the house from a Muslim and Muslim neighbors had been present at a housewarming party the week before, but added that the attackers were from outside the area.”

“‘The area is pretty vulnerable,’ said Franciscan Father Taucen Hotlan Girsang, who led the Mass. ‘Some Muslim inhabitants do not allow any other religious activity, while some welcome it.'”

“He went on to say that he and local Catholics were constantly working to develop a dialogue so that people living in the area could have a better understanding of all religions recognized by the Indonesian government — Buddhism, Catholicism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam and Protestantism — and of every citizen’s right to follow the religion they choose.”

"Servulus Sihotang, whose new home was invaded during a private thanksgiving Mass " (Photo: UCAN)

"Servulus Sihotang, whose new home was invaded during a private thanksgiving Mass " (Photo: UCAN)

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