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Tennessee Mosque Plans Under Protest

In the small town of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 650 residents came out to speak out about the plans to build an new Islamic mosque, to replace the existing facility.  The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro already has an existing facility, but according to ABC, it seeks to develop a larger facility for its 250 family membership.  The Murfreesboro, TN population is estimated at around 100,000, and it is 30 miles from Nashville.

During the meeting on the proposed new mosque and Islamic facility, ABC reported that residents displayed “ugly criticism” that “some sharing their opposition in public comments… [made comments] that at times turned intolerant.” The Tennessean reported that “Plans for a new Islamic center south of Murfreesboro have some residents denouncing the Muslim religion and others calling the dispute one of the ugliest displays of religious intolerance in the county’s history… Many saw the event as an embarrassing black eye for Rutherford County over a lack of religious tolerance, while dozens reiterated their fears and charges that the mosque needs to be held to high scrutiny and regarded with heavy suspicion.”

News Channel 5 reported that “The area the Islamic Center purchased land already had the correct zoning for a church, therefore did not need a public hearing before it was approved. That fact upset many people who came to Thursday night’s meeting.”

Video Clip from Tennessee Mosque Protest (Photo: News Channel 5)

Video Clip from Tennessee Mosque Protest (Photo: News Channel 5)

Another report stated that “Dozens spoke for an allotted 3 minutes each during the two hour public portion of the meeting. None spoke in favor of the mosque.”

In January 2010, WKRN reported on vandalism of a sign for the planned new mosque, with the graffiti ” Not Welcome.”

In Tennessee, vandalism and violence has been seen against mosques.  In February 2010, the Al-Farooq Mosque was vandalized with “Christian” graffiti and the message “Muslims go home.” In Columbia, Tennessee, a mosque was burned down by Neo-Nazi White Supremacists.

Murfreesboro, Tennessee:  Vandalism of Sign for Planned Mosque

Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Vandalism of Sign for Planned Mosque

ABC video

Tennessee News Channel 5 Video:


Responsible for Equality and Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our universal human rights to freedom of religion, freedom of worship, and freedom of conscience for all people of all faiths.  Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

We urge those who promote hate and intolerance to unburden the hate from their hearts.

We urge all to Choose Love, Not Hate.  Love Wins.


List of Media Reports:

ABC News: “Plan for Mosque in Tennessee Town Draws Criticism from Residents
Murfreesboro Mosque Sparks Debate That at Times Turns Ugly”

Tennessee News Channel 5: Proposed Islamic Center Stirs Up Controversy In Murfreesboro
Channel 5 Video Link

The Tennessean: Mosque expansion proposal in Murfreesboro spotlights fear, shame

The Tennessean: Murfreesboro mosque opponents pack commission meeting

January 18, 2010: WKRN: Vandals spray paint Murfreesboro Islamic Center sign


R.E.A.L. Reports:

Tennessee: White Supremacist Nazi Gets 4 Years in Prison for Mosque Firebombing

Tennessee Man Sentenced to 183 Months in Prison for Burning Islamic Center

Tennessee: Vandalism Against Mosque