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A Response to a Supporter of Apartheid

We issue the following response to pro-Apartheid supporter Dan Roodt who wrote about us on his web site.

Mr. Roodt –
I am well aware of who you are and your positions in South Africa, and I have written about you before.  I thank you for taking the time to write to me.

What you do not know is who I am and my positions, although they are quitely clearly detailed on Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)’s  website at  You seem to believe that I am “left-wing,” because I support equality and liberty, and defy racial supremacist views, along with our defiance against religious extremism, Communist totalitarianism, and misogyny.  None of these are exclusively “left-wing,” and the tunnel-vision that you display in thinking this demonstrates your limitations more than anything I could say or do.  But since R.E.A.L. will be around for a while, perhaps you should take the time to get to know our views, as we have no intent of backing off from challenging groups that promote racial supremacism and hate.

I am sorry for your inconvenience in your travels.

However, we need to advise you that Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) will continue to defy those promoting racial supremacism.  The American Renaissance and Mr. Taylor has long had a history of making derogatory and belittling remarks towards black and Hispanic Americans.  That is and has been his freedom of speech.  However, we also have the freedom of speech to defy such views and also to hold public awareness campaigns to the public and local businesses making them aware of such views.  We promote racial harmony, and we believe that must necessitate also defying racial hate.

There was no denial of Mr. Taylor’s freedom to speak.  In fact, I repeatedly invited him to our outdoor public awareness event on February 19 at 12 noon.  We provided him detailed directions on how to get there in Washington DC.  He declined to show up, even after the AmRen conference was cancelled at the Capitol Skyline.  This was his choice, and he was the one who challenged me to a public debate that he then feared to attend himself.  Moreover, we have also invited the public to our public rally at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool Steps were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke.  We had originally planned this for April 4, but since that is Easter Sunday this year, we will be holding our event on March 28 at 2 PM.  More details, including a map,  will soon be at our website at

Freedom of speech also includes our freedom of speech, a fact that the American Renaissance, Mr. Taylor, and you seem to find inconvenient.  We made no threats to any hotels, we made no efforts to boycott any hotels.  We simply advised them that the New Century Foundation was in fact the American Renaissance, a fact that most hotels did not know and told us that Mr. Taylor did not share with them.  In fact, they seemed to not know anything about the American Renaissance, let alone its views, its links to the Stormfront organization (which has been linked repeatedly to terrorism in the United States), and its role in being monitored by law enforcement agencies in the Washington DC area.  After advising them who and what the American Renaissance was, we asked for the opportunity to have space to offer a counter-message of racial harmony, diversity, and love for our fellow human beings.

Furthermore, we have no control over what other groups or individuals may do in their response to hate groups.  Certainly we reject all hate, and all threats, and we have done so repeatedly on our web site, in our discussions with hotels and the public, on the radio, in our public awareness event on the street, and in my personal telephone conversations with Jared Taylor as well.  Perhaps Mr. Taylor forgot to mention any of this to you.  In fact, when we have heard of rumors of threats to any hotels, we have contacted them and offered our help to aid the police in finding anyone who would threaten those supporting the American Renaissance.  Mr. Taylor is also well aware of this.  I told him this myself.  But our response, whether it is in response to threats from extremist groups against American Renaissance, or whether it is in response to threats from supporters and scheduled speakers from the American Renaissance conference to us, is to urge all, to Choose Love, Not Hate.

Our group has sufficient courage to defy a national “white nationalist” group and to reject their racist views against others, including of course, those who have supported and served as apologists for Apartheid.   The global condemnation of Apartheid is so wide-spread that the very word “apartheid” has become a noun associated with a form of organized hate against another identity group.    The growing global consensus in rejection of racial supremacism is growing and will continue to grow.

Certainly, after the June 2009 white supremacist terrorist attack on Washington DC, local activists for equality and human rights have had heightened concern about white supremacist organizations, as has law enforcement agencies.  This is no doubt part of the reason why the American Renaissance organization itself if monitored by law enforcement agencies tracking terrorist threats.   Moreover, the American Renaissance and Jared Taylor has been closely linked with its partner organization Stormfront, and Mr. Taylor appears on Stormfront radio programs as an invited guest to promote the American Renassance group.  This is the same Stormfront led by former American Nazi and KKK leader Don Black, whose group has been associated with the foiled Tennessee mass terrorist plot by a Stormfront member and his associate (who will be coming to trial soon), the Stormfront member who murdered police officers in April 2009, and praise by Stormfront members of James Von Brunn’s terrorist attack on Washington DC.  This is also the same Stormfront whose members praise the 9/11 jihadists, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh’s terrorist attack, and most recently widely praised the terrorist attack in Austin, Texas.  This is also the same Stormfront organization whose members are even now openly calling for more terrorist attacks in Washington DC and around America.

One of the American Renaissance scheduled speakers was an individual who spoke an event that inspired James Von Brunn, who was the white supremacist terrorist that attacked Washington DC in June 2009.  Another American Renaissance scheduled speaker openly called for violence against me.   This is what you have gotten yourself associated with Mr. Roodt.   While we never demanded the cancellation of American Renaissance, I believe our public awareness campaign may indeed have done you a favor, unless you think it is wise for you to be associated with such organizations.

The very idea that American Renaissance would insult Washington DC citizens who promote racial harmony after the June 2009 white supremacist terrorist attack on our city, was no less outrageous than if hate group Hizb ut-Tahrir sought to hold a public convention of hate against others in NYC after the 9/11 attacks.   The tide has turned and is continuing to turn on the white supremacist groups.  Just as the 9/11 attacks awoken many Americans to the threat of jihad, the June 2009 terrorist attack, the recent terrorist attack in Austin, and other plots foiled by white supremacist terrorists has awoken many Americans to the threat of white supremacist hate here in America.  Increasingly, Americans have had enough of white supremacists in our nation founded on the truth that all men are created equal.

Certainly, we understand that the answer to fighting terrorism begins with addressing the ideologies behind them… whether we are dealing with violent jihad or white supremacist terrorism.    Our goal to fight terrorism is to reject ideologies of hate, and to offer our universal human rights of equality and liberty as alternatives to ideologies of hate.

While we reject the hate ideology of white supremacism, as we reject all racial supremacism, in support of equality and liberty – our rejection of ideologies of hate are never rejection of our fellow human beings.  Our universal human rights are your human rights as well.  We do not offer an upraised fist, but an outstretched to all those who would drop the burden of hate from their hearts, and respect our fellow human beings equality, liberty, and dignity.

We urge all to Choose Love, Not Hate.

Love Wins.


Jeffrey Imm
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)