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West Bank: Report on Hate and Bigotry by Shapira and Elitzur

Jewish Daily Forward: “Rabbinic Text or Call to Terror?”
— Article reports
on extremist views reporting on anti-human rights views of Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar:
— Daily Forward reports on Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar’s statements that:
— “‘The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder” applies only ‘to a Jew who kills a Jew,’ write Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are ‘uncompassionate by nature’ and attacks on them ‘curb their evil inclination,’ while babies and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed since ‘it is clear that they will grow to harm us.'”

The Daily Forward also reports that “Previously, Israel has arrested settler rabbis who publish commentaries supporting the killing of non-Jews.”

Responsible for Equality And Liberty stands by our universal human rights and condemns supremacist hate of ANY kind, including the comments referenced in this article by the Rabbis.

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