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VDARE Racist Web Site Promotes Argument that Fighting Racism is a Communist Plot

— The VDARE “racist” “hate group” has promoted an article by VDARE Contributor Raymond V. Raehn which essentially argues that America’s challenge to racism and support for tolerance of human diversity is a Communist-based plot, disregarding America’s promotion of human equality and liberty as “truths that we hold self-evident,” inherent to America’s national identity.
— In VDARE article “Leon Trotsky, Barack Obama And The Black ‘Vanguard Of The Revolution’,” VDARE’s Raehn writes of the “Marxist social revolutionaries in modern America who strive to promote the disintegration of the white male power structure.”
— VDARE writer Raehn’s other article “The Historical Roots of ‘Political Correctness'” is well publicized on Neo-Nazi and other racialist web sites.
— VDARE provides yet another example of why its consistent support of racist views must be opposed.  VDARE is in the midst of a fund drive to continue to spread racial hate — it seeks to use the Christmas holiday intended to celebrate peace and joy to gain funding for additional promotion of racial hate. We urge their organization and its supporters to end this path of hate.

Once again we urge the VDARE organization and its supporters to drop the burden of racial hate, and rejoin the family of humanity in support of our universal human rights, the truths that we hold self-evident.  Please contact VDARE and ask them to join us in peace, equality, and liberty — ask them to choose love, not hate.

Love Wins.

love-wins-lgSee also:

R.E.A.L. Postings on Racial Supremacism