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Twitter Campaign to Free Chinese Human Rights Advocate Liu Xiaobo

For Immediate Release: Laogai Research Foundation Launches Twitter Campaign to Free Liu Xiaobo

Washington, DC, December 4, 2009- The Laogai Research Foundation has launched a Twitter campaign to free noted scholar and human rights advocate to Liu Xiaobo.  Liu was one of the primary authors of Charter 08,, a peaceful online manifesto calling for practical democratic reform in China with over 10,000 signatories.  To mark the one-year anniversary of Liu’s detention and the release of Charter ’08, LRF has launched a ten day Twitter campaign calling on advocates around the world to follow @freeliuxiaobo and re-tweet quotes from Charter ’08, in both English and Mandarin.  At the conclusion of the campaign, the number of followers and re-tweets will be sent in a letter to President Obama, President Hu Jintao, the Chinese Embassy, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China, calling for the release of Liu Xiaobo.

Building on momentum from October 1, 2009, when the U.S. House of Representatives (with the Senate concurring) passed House Congressional Resolution 151 stating, “That it is the sense of Congress that China’s Government immediately release Liu Xiaobo and begin making strides toward true representative democracy,” LRF hopes to spur global activism on behalf of Liu and Charter ’08.  LRF Executive Director Harry Wu said the following of Liu, “Liu’s writings and criticisms of the CCP were pursued in a peaceful manner, and we cannot tolerate his detention.”

For more information on the campaign to free Liu Xiaobo, go to and

For further inquiry please contact or (202) 408-8300.  You can also follow the Laogai Research Foundation on Twitter @laogai.

The Laogai Research Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded by former political prisoner Harry Wu in 1992.  Its mission is to gather information on and raise public awareness of the Laogai–China’s extensive system of forced labor prison camps.  For more information, please visit, e-mail, or call +1-202-408-8300.


The Laogai Research Foundation is launching a ten day Twitter campaign to advocate the release of Liu Xiaobo. A Chinese dissident who has long advocated for human rights and democracy inside China, Liu was one of the primary authors of Charter 08, an online manifesto promoting peaceful political reform in China that has accumulated 10,000 signatures since its initial launch on December 10, 2008. Liu was detained on December 8, 200, two days before the release of Charter 08, and held without charge until June of 2009, when he was charged with “Incitement to subversion of the state.” To this day Liu has not been granted a trial.

To mark the one year anniversary of Liu’s detention, we have initiated a ten day Twitter campaign. To join the campaign, click here and click retweet. We also encourage you to share this with your friends via Facebook, email, your personal blogs, even in person! At midnight on December 10, in honor of the one year anniversary of the release of Charter 08, we will count the number of retweets and followers we’ve had, and include that number in a letter advocating Liu Xiaobo’s release. The letter will be sent on December 11 to President Obama, President Hu Jintao of China, the Chinese Embassy, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China.

Please help Liu Xiaobo by joining our campaign and spreading the word!

Liu Xiaobo, Chinese Human Rights Activist, Arrested December 8, 2008

Liu Xiaobo, Chinese Human Rights Activist, Arrested December 8, 2008


2009年12月4日华盛顿— 劳改基金会发起了一项Twitter运动,旨在敦促中国政府释放著名学者、人权活动家刘晓波。刘是著名网络民主宣言《08宪章》的主要起草人之一,该宣言 的签署人数现已超过一万。为纪念刘晓波被中国政府拘捕和《08宪章》发表一周年,劳改基金会发起了一个为期10天的Twitter运动,以中、英双语呼吁 国际社会积极响应@freeliuxiaobo 并转载《08宪章》的部分引文。在运动结束后,支持者人数将记录在一封公开呼吁信中,递交美国总统奥巴马、中国国家主席胡锦涛、中国驻美大使馆和中国最高 人民检察院,敦促中方释放刘晓波。

2009年10月1日,美国国会众议院通过(参议院附议)的151号决议指出,”国会认为中国政府应立即释放刘晓波,并开始真正的代议制民主”。劳改基金 会希望藉此发起一场声援刘晓波和《08宪章》的全球运动。劳改基金会执行主任吴弘达说:”刘晓波的著作和对中共的批评都采取和平的方式,我们不能容忍中国 政府对他进行拘押。”

欲了解更多有关”释放刘晓波”的Twitter运动信息,请访问 / freeliuxiaobo连接。

Twitter @laogai上支持劳改基金会。


R.E.A.L. Postings on Liu Xiaobo

Chinese intellectuals speak up for dissident Liu Xiaobo

Communist China accuses pro-democracy activist Liu Xiabo of inciting a rebellion

Communist China: Dissident writer Liu Xiaobo held after sentence ends

Communist China: Arrested Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo to receive prestigious award


China Charter 08 – December 10, 2008

R.E.A.L. Reports on China

R.E.A.L. Reports on Totalitarianism