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“Argentine Judge Orders Arrest of Top Chinese Communist Party Officials for Crimes Against Humanity”

“Argentine Judge Orders Arrest of Top Chinese Communist Party Officials for Crimes Against Humanity”

Quit CCP reports:
“This decision is particularly historic because it is not only seeking to bring perpetrators to justice after the fact, it is also coming at a time when these crimes are ongoing. The arrest and prosecution of these two men could literally prevent further torture and killing of innocent Chinese citizens.”

Following a four-year long investigation, Argentine judge Octavio Araoz de Lamadrid of Federal Court No. 9 issued a 146-page decision and related orders on December 17. The document offers a detailed and damning assessment of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and the role that the two top officials played.

“The genocidal strategy … comprised a broad range of actions arranged in total contempt for life and human dignity,” says Lamadrid’s decision. “The designated purpose – the eradication of Falun Gong – was used to justify any means used. Therefore, torment, torture, disappearances, deaths, brainwashing, psychological torture were everyday occurrences in the persecution of its practitioners.”

The judge concludes the decision by issuing a national and international order to capture the pair to be carried out by the Interpol Department of the Federal Police of Argentina. As such, should the accused former officials travel to other countries that have extradition treaties with Argentina, they will ostensibly face being detained and transferred to Argentina to be brought before a court.

According to the attorneys who initially filed the case on behalf of Falun Gong victims, Dr. Alejandro Cowes and Dr. Adolfo Casabal Elia, the judge’s decision was based on evidence that included the oral testimonies of 17 victims of torture and other forms of persecution. The judge also took into account the testimony of two medical doctors, United Nations reports, and research by human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.