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Pakistan a leading player in imposing blasphemy law on globe through UNHRC: Nazir Bhatti

Pakistan a leading player in imposing blasphemy law on globe through UNHRC: Nazir Bhatti
Pakistan Christian Post reports: “Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC expressed reservations on UNHRC Resolution A/HRC/12/L.14/Rev.1 subject to “Religion Defamation” presented by Zamir Akram, a Pakistani representative of Organization of Islamic Conference OIC on behalf of Egypt and USA, the cosponsors of resolution because it will promote blasphemy law around globe.”

See also:

UNHRC: Egypt-U.S. Resolution Concerns Rights Activists Supporting Freedom to Challenge Religious Views

U.S. Religious Freedom Commission Testimony that U.N. “Religious Defamation” Resolutions Leading to “Global Blasphemy Law”
