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Iran: “‘Torture, murder and rape’ – Iran’s way of breaking the opposition”

Iran: “‘Torture, murder and rape’ – Iran’s way of breaking the opposition”
— London Times reports:
— “Javadifar is just one among scores of alleged cases of murder, torture and rape unearthed by opposition investigators – cases that a regime claiming to champion Islamic values is doing its utmost to suppress by denouncing the charges as lies, arresting the investigators and seizing their files. The Times has been given access to 500 pages of documents – a small fraction of the total – that include handwritten testimony by victims, medical reports and interviews.”
— “They suggest that security forces have engaged in systematic killing and torture to try to break the opposition.”
— “‘The use of rape and torture was similar across prisons in Tehran and the provinces. It is difficult not to conclude that the highest authorities planned and ordered these actions. Local authorities would not dare take such actions without word from above,’ wrote one investigator, in a coded reference to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader.”