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Al-Arabiya TV Deputy Secretary-General on Palestinian Human Rights

MEMRI: “Al-Arabiya TV Deputy Secretary-General Calls for Resettlement of Palestinian Refugees”
— “Objecting to Refugee Resettlement Is Objecting to Peace”
— “Stop Treating the Palestinians Like A Plague”
— “The Arabs Have Turned the Palestinians Into a People Defeated Both Morally and Materially”
Daoud Al-Shiryan, Al-Hayat columnist and deputy secretary-general of Al-Arabiya TV reported as stating regarding Arab countries:
— “These countries must stop treating the Palestinians like a plague, using slogans which, as we all know, have become nothing but empty utterances in a loathsome struggle. We must break the isolation of the Palestinians in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. A Palestinian should be made to feel like a welcome and dear guest – before some external intervention comes along and grants him the right to live in dignity, to everyone’s consternation.”