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Making Human Rights A Priority

Join our commitment to be responsible for the inalienable human rights of equality and liberty and defy the forces of totalitarianism and supremacism.

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) is a group committed to our inalienable human rights of equality and liberty as defined in America’s Declaration of Independence and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our goals:
(1) We seek to educate the public about  those totalitarian and supremacist ideologies and organizations that defy such human rights.
(2) We seek to promote public activism in challenging such totalitarian and supremacist ideologies in public gatherings, meetings, and rallies in support of equality and liberty.
(3) We seek to promote action by government leaders and international organizations  in challenging such totalitarian and supremacist ideologies, as part of our responsibility to equality and liberty.
(4) As individuals responsible for equality and liberty, our members agree to oppose all totalitarian and supremacist ideologies, including, but not limited to, Communist totalitarianism, racial supremacism, Aryan Nazi supremacism, and extremism – as well as the war on women.

For more information on how you can help, email us at